Anyone digging must contact OKIE811 to have facility operators locate and mark their underground lines.

The Importance of Safe Digging
Planning is key to successful and safe excavation. OKIE811 makes it easy to submit line locate requests. 811 is a FREE service!
Contacting OKIE811 is easier and faster than ever. OKIE811 now offers many new features for excavators to submit a locate request. Simply visit the online portal.

The Importance of Safe Digging
Planning is key to successful and safe excavation. OKIE811 makes it easy to submit line locate requests. 811 is a FREE service!
Contacting OKIE811 is easier and faster than ever. OKIE811 now offers many new features for excavators to submit a locate request. Simply visit the online portal.
Roles and Responsibilities
When using OKIE811, excavators must follow four easy steps to help plan the excavation and keep everyone safe. Underground facility owners are dedicated to keeping you safe and their facilities intact.
- It is not the responsibility of your client to request the one-call notification.
- Submit a line locate request at least three business days before commencing work, excluding weekends and holidays.
- When working in rural areas, provide accurate driving directions with distances and cardinal headings (North, South, East, West).
- Adhere to the tolerance zones for digging around the locators’ markers.
- Before proceeding with any excavation, confirm the response of the notified utilities.
Uniform Color Code
The American Public Works Association (APWA) developed a color code for temporarily marking underground facilities before excavation. The color code encourages all excavators, surveyors and engineers to use these colors to promote and eliminate damages to workers and the general public as well as prevent service interruptions to vital underground utilities.
Marking underground utilities with paint, flags, surface markers and underground marking tapes allows all excavators to understand the types of facilities and the approximate locations and routes of buried lines.
Types of utility markers that are flagged:

Proposed Excavation

Temporary Survey Markings

Electric Power Lines, Cables Conduit, Lightning Cables

Gas, Oil, Steam

Communication, Alarm, Conduit

Potable Water

Reclaimed Water, Irrigation, Slurry Lines

Sewer and Drain Lines
Helpful Numbers for Excavators
Report Damage
If you notice any kind of damage, such as gouges, dents, or breaks to coating, cable sheaths, cathodic protection anodes or wiring, it’s important to stop digging immediately.
Contact the facility owner and contact 811 to submit a Damage Ticket. Make sure to report the location and type of damage, and allow the utility sufficient time to make any necessary repairs.