Anyone digging must contact OKIE811 to have facility operators locate and mark their underground lines.

Before Contacting OKIE811
You can contact OKIE811 in two ways to request a notification for marking your lines, and both methods are free of charge for you.
CALL 811
Call and listen to the recorded message, as many requests can be handled through the automated system before speaking with a Damage Prevention Agent.
Visit the Portal, or the Online Ticket Entry System, which allows you to submit a request through the Homeowner Portal if you are a homeowner. This program walks homeowners through the process step-by-step.
You will provide this information when making a locate request:
- Excavator name/company name and phone number
- Mailing Address
- Contact name, telephone or cell phone number
- Start date and time of excavation
- Worksite street and number (include north, south, east, west, and street type: road, avenue, lane)
- County and town/city
- Nearest intersection or highway
- GPS-Latitude/Longitude (not required but helpful)
- Township, range, section and quarter section (not required but helpful)
- Type and extent of the proposed work
- White line area of excavation
- Type of equipment to be used (explosives, tunneling, horizontal boring, etc.)
- Work location (street, sidewalk, private property, front, rear, side, etc.)
- What the work is being done for
Please keep your ticket number on file. If you need to report a problem, be sure to use it. Listen carefully to the list of Member companies being notified.

After Contacting OKIE811
After OKIE811 has been notified and a locate request has been created, the information about the excavation is transmitted to the Members. Members will contact a trained technician to either mark their facilities or inform the excavator that facilities are not in the proposed excavation area. It’s important to have accurate contact information as part of the locate request.
Locations of member underground facilities will be marked with paint, flags and/or stakes, according to American Public Works Association (APWA) color codes. The approximate location of underground facilities is defined as a strip of land two (2) feet on either side of the underground facility size, considering the facility’s width.
If underground facilities need to be remarked because of work activity or if weather has destroyed the original marks, contact OKIE811. Ask for an update request and inform the customer service representative that underground facilities need to be remarked. Remember to have your locate request number on hand to identify the excavation location.
At the job site, be sure to “white line” or indicate the area to be excavated. This will give locators the exact location of the proposed excavation. It will also eliminate unnecessary marking.