Anyone digging must contact OKIE811 to have facility operators locate and mark their underground lines.

Positive Response is mandatory in the State of Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act requires each operator of underground facilities to provide a response to the notification center (i.e. OKIE811 via our Portal) prior to the expiration of the required notice period. The response shall indicate the status of required activities of the operator or designated representative regarding proposed excavation or demolition. Please review the law for details about the requirements of responding to locate request notifications.
For those who respond through a separate system can upload those responses into the OKIE811 Portal. Please contact our Member Services team at to receive documentation outlining the set-up needed to upload responses into the positive response system.
Positive Response
Mandatory Positive Response
Effective November 1, 2021
Responding to the excavator is mandatory in the State of Oklahoma. In accordance with the amended section 142.6.B of the Oklahoma Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act, each operator of underground facilities shall provide a Positive Response to the notification center (i.e. OKIE811 via our Portal) before the expiration of the required notice period.
Facility operators registered with OKIE811 must now communicate the status of locate requests through the Positive Response feature in the OKIE811 Portal to excavators so excavators can confirm responses before excavation.
Excavators must check for a positive response at the notification center before excavating or demolishing to ensure that all operators have responded and that all facilities that may be affected by the proposed excavation or demolition have been marked.
A positive response does not relieve the excavator of their responsibility to use care when digging around underground facilities. Excavators should continue to check the excavation site, emails, voicemails, texts, etc. before calling OKIE811 to request an additional notice. OKIE811 is not responsible for any damage, loss or liability that may arise due to the use or misuse of ticket response status information.